MY NOTES by M. Redfish
Bug out bag part 1
Overtime many changes are made as ideas change.
He don’t call it a single bug out bag, but he has kits
Kit is changed out twice a year for warm and cold weather
This bag is if he is going out of house never to return
Kelty tactical bag
Taking vehicle to bug out location with other people.
But if you need to leave vehicle you need to take a bag to travel through the woods to avoid people.
Bag shouldn’t be more than 25% of your body weight…200lb man carry 50lb pack
Always keep hangies (hanging straps through buckles) taped up to prevent them from sliding back through the buckle.
Canteen and cook set, spork on side of pack
Has a separate fanny pack on top as a lid, larger part has another cover to make a smaller pack.
EDC (not included) – Pistol, flashlight, folding knife, escape and evade kit
Fanny pack contains
Surge multi tool
aquamira water purification tablets
You can remove the fanny pack to scout and hide your large kit
survival candle
emergency blanket
edc 4 knife
2 chem lights
zip loc with fire kit – matches, mini inferno, fatwood
bank line
head net
boonie hat
Camo face paint
Military issue linsatic compass
Lock pics
cravat (long strip worn around neck) or a bandana etc.
2 lighters, standard Bic and electric Bic
Bottom section of pack has
water proof bag cover (reversible tan or white) good to not look tactical
Large carabiner
Petzl repel gloves
Tops TSO77 Knife ? (cant find it online)
Gideon’s bible
wild edibles pack of playing cards
6 inch ferro rod
photon light
knife sharpener
write in the rain waterproof pen and note pad
small pair of binoculars
knife sharpener
P-38 can opener
cheap backup headlamp
Source: ULTIMATE BugOut Bag Part I